Two Dollar Click

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Could You Get Paid to Tweet????

         Last year the media revealed that celebrities get paid to tweet certain things. I instantly googled paid to tweet and found lots of websites. So yes you can get paid to tweet BUT it takes work. Companies look for influential people on social networks to advertise for them. Most of them want you to come up with something on your own to prevent spam. Once the advertisement is posted you may get paid just for posting the ad. These are called Paid Per Post (PPP) ads. The rest of your money comes from clicks. Your followers will have to click the link included in the ad and you get credit for that click. These are Paid Per Click (PPC). Your PPC amount is based on how many followers you have, how many tweets you tweet a day, how many retweets are on your page, ect. I suggest that you at least have 500 followers to join any of these programs. Also make your ads catchy so people are most likely to click them. Be on the lookout for posts about programs like these. COMING SOON

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