Two Dollar Click

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Welcome To My Blog!
            Join me on my journey to finding success aka money online!  I will name this blog TRYial and ERROR   for obvious reasons. Making money online is NOT EASY people! You really have to TRY things out, and see what works for you. It takes time patience and ERROR. Yes I said error. What works for me may not work for you. I’m not where I want to be in my journey. It’s possible to be successful and you don’t have to waste any money! If I ever write an entry where investing is involved I will be up front about it.  But like you I like to keep as much money in my pocket as possible. Also I would like to say I am not into get rich quick type of deals. I have two part time jobs outside of the house and I plan on keeping it that way.  I use my SPARE TIME online!  I also have learned to treat this as a hobby not business! This equals up to less headaches. Feel free to read and comment on any of the posts you see. Whether you are seasoned in this game or a rookie like me, I value all of your input!